BioGTK  5.1.1
A .NET library & program for annotating, editing various microscopy imaging formats using Bioformats supported images.
No Matches
Bio.ImageUtil Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static Image< Rgb24 > JoinRGB24 (IEnumerable< Tuple< Extent, byte[]> > srcPixelTiles, Extent srcPixelExtent, Extent dstPixelExtent)
 Join by srcPixelTiles and cut by srcPixelExtent then scale to dstPixelExtent (only height an width is useful).
static Image< L16 > Join16 (IEnumerable< Tuple< Extent, byte[]> > srcPixelTiles, Extent srcPixelExtent, Extent dstPixelExtent)
 Join by srcPixelTiles and cut by srcPixelExtent then scale to dstPixelExtent (only height an width is useful).
static unsafe NetVips.Image JoinVipsRGB24 (IEnumerable< Tuple< Extent, byte[]> > srcPixelTiles, Extent srcPixelExtent, Extent dstPixelExtent)
 Join by srcPixelTiles and cut by srcPixelExtent then scale to dstPixelExtent (only height an width is useful).
static unsafe NetVips.Image JoinVips16 (IEnumerable< Tuple< Extent, byte[]> > srcPixelTiles, Extent srcPixelExtent, Extent dstPixelExtent)
 Join by srcPixelTiles and cut by srcPixelExtent then scale to dstPixelExtent (only height an width is useful).
static SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image CreateImageFromBytes (byte[] rgbBytes, int width, int height, PixelFormat px)

Member Function Documentation

◆ CreateImageFromBytes()

static SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image Bio.ImageUtil.CreateImageFromBytes ( byte[]  rgbBytes,
int  width,
int  height,
PixelFormat  px 
274 {
275 if (px == PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
276 {
277 if (rgbBytes.Length != width * height * 3)
278 {
279 throw new ArgumentException("Byte array size does not match the dimensions of the image");
280 }
282 // Create a new image of the specified size
283 Image<Rgb24> image = new Image<Rgb24>(width, height);
285 // Index for the byte array
286 int byteIndex = 0;
288 // Iterate over the image pixels
289 for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
290 {
291 for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
292 {
293 // Create a color from the next three bytes
294 Rgb24 color = new Rgb24(rgbBytes[byteIndex], rgbBytes[byteIndex + 1], rgbBytes[byteIndex + 2]);
295 byteIndex += 3;
296 // Set the pixel
297 image[x, y] = color;
298 }
299 }
301 return image;
302 }
303 else
304 if (px == PixelFormat.Format16bppGrayScale)
305 {
306 if (rgbBytes.Length != width * height * 2)
307 {
308 throw new ArgumentException("Byte array size does not match the dimensions of the image");
309 }
311 // Create a new image of the specified size
312 Image<L16> image = new Image<L16>(width, height);
314 // Index for the byte array
315 int byteIndex = 0;
317 // Iterate over the image pixels
318 for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
319 {
320 for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
321 {
322 // Create a color from the next three bytes
323 L16 color = new L16(BitConverter.ToUInt16(rgbBytes, byteIndex));
324 byteIndex += 2;
325 // Set the pixel
326 image[x, y] = color;
327 }
328 }
330 return image;
331 }
332 else
333 if (px == PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
334 {
335 if (rgbBytes.Length != width * height * 4)
336 {
337 throw new ArgumentException("Byte array size does not match the dimensions of the image");
338 }
340 // Create a new image of the specified size
341 Image<Bgra32> image = new Image<Bgra32>(width, height);
343 // Index for the byte array
344 int byteIndex = 0;
346 // Iterate over the image pixels
347 for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
348 {
349 for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
350 {
351 // Create a color from the next three bytes
352 Bgra32 color = new Bgra32(rgbBytes[byteIndex], rgbBytes[byteIndex + 1], rgbBytes[byteIndex + 2], rgbBytes[byteIndex + 3]);
353 byteIndex += 4;
354 // Set the pixel
355 image[x, y] = color;
356 }
357 }
359 return image;
360 }
361 return null;
362 }
SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image Image
Definition ISlideSource.cs:11

◆ Join16()

static Image< L16 > Bio.ImageUtil.Join16 ( IEnumerable< Tuple< Extent, byte[]> >  srcPixelTiles,
Extent  srcPixelExtent,
Extent  dstPixelExtent 

Join by srcPixelTiles and cut by srcPixelExtent then scale to dstPixelExtent (only height an width is useful).

srcPixelTilestile with tile extent collection
srcPixelExtentcanvas extent
dstPixelExtentjpeg output size
93 {
94 if (srcPixelTiles == null || srcPixelTiles.Count() == 0)
95 return null;
96 srcPixelExtent = srcPixelExtent.ToIntegerExtent();
97 dstPixelExtent = dstPixelExtent.ToIntegerExtent();
98 int canvasWidth = (int)srcPixelExtent.Width;
99 int canvasHeight = (int)srcPixelExtent.Height;
100 var dstWidth = (int)dstPixelExtent.Width;
101 var dstHeight = (int)dstPixelExtent.Height;
102 Image<L16> canvas = new Image<L16>(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
103 foreach (var tile in srcPixelTiles)
104 {
105 try
106 {
107 var tileExtent = tile.Item1.ToIntegerExtent();
108 var intersect = srcPixelExtent.Intersect(tileExtent);
109 if (intersect.Width == 0 || intersect.Height == 0)
110 continue;
111 if (tile.Item2 == null)
112 continue;
113 Image<L16> tileRawData = (Image<L16>)CreateImageFromBytes(tile.Item2, (int)tileExtent.Width, (int)tileExtent.Height, PixelFormat.Format16bppGrayScale);
114 var tileOffsetPixelX = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinX - tileExtent.MinX);
115 var tileOffsetPixelY = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinY - tileExtent.MinY);
116 var canvasOffsetPixelX = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinX - srcPixelExtent.MinX);
117 var canvasOffsetPixelY = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinY - srcPixelExtent.MinY);
118 //We copy the tile region to the canvas.
119 for (int y = 0; y < intersect.Height; y++)
120 {
121 for (int x = 0; x < intersect.Width; x++)
122 {
123 int indx = canvasOffsetPixelX + x;
124 int indy = canvasOffsetPixelY + y;
125 int tindx = tileOffsetPixelX + x;
126 int tindy = tileOffsetPixelY + y;
127 canvas[indx, indy] = tileRawData[tindx, tindy];
128 }
129 }
130 tileRawData.Dispose();
131 }
132 catch (Exception e)
133 {
134 Console.WriteLine(e.ToString());
135 }
137 }
138 if (dstWidth != canvasWidth || dstHeight != canvasHeight)
139 {
140 try
141 {
142 canvas.Mutate(x => x.Resize(dstWidth, dstHeight));
143 return canvas;
144 }
145 catch (Exception e)
146 {
147 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
148 }
150 }
151 return canvas;
152 }
static SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image CreateImageFromBytes(byte[] rgbBytes, int width, int height, PixelFormat px)
Definition Utilities.cs:273

◆ JoinRGB24()

static Image< Rgb24 > Bio.ImageUtil.JoinRGB24 ( IEnumerable< Tuple< Extent, byte[]> >  srcPixelTiles,
Extent  srcPixelExtent,
Extent  dstPixelExtent 

Join by srcPixelTiles and cut by srcPixelExtent then scale to dstPixelExtent (only height an width is useful).

srcPixelTilestile with tile extent collection
srcPixelExtentcanvas extent
dstPixelExtentjpeg output size
24 {
25 if (srcPixelTiles == null || srcPixelTiles.Count() == 0)
26 return null;
27 srcPixelExtent = srcPixelExtent.ToIntegerExtent();
28 dstPixelExtent = dstPixelExtent.ToIntegerExtent();
29 int canvasWidth = (int)srcPixelExtent.Width;
30 int canvasHeight = (int)srcPixelExtent.Height;
31 var dstWidth = (int)dstPixelExtent.Width;
32 var dstHeight = (int)dstPixelExtent.Height;
33 Image<Rgb24> canvas = new Image<Rgb24>(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
34 foreach (var tile in srcPixelTiles)
35 {
36 try
37 {
38 var tileExtent = tile.Item1.ToIntegerExtent();
39 var intersect = srcPixelExtent.Intersect(tileExtent);
40 if (intersect.Width == 0 || intersect.Height == 0)
41 continue;
42 if(tile.Item2 == null)
43 continue;
44 Image<Rgb24> tileRawData = (Image<Rgb24>)CreateImageFromBytes(tile.Item2, (int)tileExtent.Width, (int)tileExtent.Height,PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
45 var tileOffsetPixelX = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinX - tileExtent.MinX);
46 var tileOffsetPixelY = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinY - tileExtent.MinY);
47 var canvasOffsetPixelX = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinX - srcPixelExtent.MinX);
48 var canvasOffsetPixelY = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinY - srcPixelExtent.MinY);
49 //We copy the tile region to the canvas.
50 for (int y = 0; y < intersect.Height; y++)
51 {
52 for (int x = 0; x < intersect.Width; x++)
53 {
54 int indx = canvasOffsetPixelX + x;
55 int indy = canvasOffsetPixelY + y;
56 int tindx = tileOffsetPixelX + x;
57 int tindy = tileOffsetPixelY + y;
58 canvas[indx, indy] = tileRawData[tindx, tindy];
59 }
60 }
61 tileRawData.Dispose();
62 }
63 catch (Exception e)
64 {
65 Console.WriteLine(e.ToString());
66 }
68 }
69 if (dstWidth != canvasWidth || dstHeight != canvasHeight)
70 {
71 try
72 {
73 canvas.Mutate(x => x.Resize(dstWidth, dstHeight));
74 return canvas;
75 }
76 catch (Exception e)
77 {
78 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
79 }
81 }
82 return canvas;
83 }

◆ JoinVips16()

static unsafe NetVips.Image Bio.ImageUtil.JoinVips16 ( IEnumerable< Tuple< Extent, byte[]> >  srcPixelTiles,
Extent  srcPixelExtent,
Extent  dstPixelExtent 

Join by srcPixelTiles and cut by srcPixelExtent then scale to dstPixelExtent (only height an width is useful).

srcPixelTilestile with tile extent collection
srcPixelExtentcanvas extent
dstPixelExtentjpeg output size
221 {
222 if (srcPixelTiles == null || !srcPixelTiles.Any())
223 return null;
225 srcPixelExtent = srcPixelExtent.ToIntegerExtent();
226 dstPixelExtent = dstPixelExtent.ToIntegerExtent();
227 int canvasWidth = (int)srcPixelExtent.Width;
228 int canvasHeight = (int)srcPixelExtent.Height;
230 // Create a base canvas. Adjust as necessary, for example, using a transparent image if needed.
231 Bitmap bf = new Bitmap(canvasWidth, canvasHeight, PixelFormat.Format16bppGrayScale);
232 NetVips.Image canvas = NetVips.Image.NewFromMemory(bf.Bytes, bf.SizeX, bf.SizeX, 1, Enums.BandFormat.Ushort);
234 foreach (var tile in srcPixelTiles)
235 {
236 if (tile.Item2 == null)
237 continue;
239 fixed (byte* pTileData = tile.Item2)
240 {
241 var tileExtent = tile.Item1.ToIntegerExtent();
242 NetVips.Image tileImage = NetVips.Image.NewFromMemory((IntPtr)pTileData, (ulong)tile.Item2.Length, (int)tileExtent.Width, (int)tileExtent.Height, 1, Enums.BandFormat.Ushort);
244 // Calculate positions and sizes for cropping and inserting
245 var intersect = srcPixelExtent.Intersect(tileExtent);
246 if (intersect.Width == 0 || intersect.Height == 0)
247 continue;
249 int tileOffsetPixelX = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinX - tileExtent.MinX);
250 int tileOffsetPixelY = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinY - tileExtent.MinY);
251 int canvasOffsetPixelX = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinX - srcPixelExtent.MinX);
252 int canvasOffsetPixelY = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinY - srcPixelExtent.MinY);
254 using (var croppedTile = tileImage.Crop(tileOffsetPixelX, tileOffsetPixelY, (int)intersect.Width, (int)intersect.Height))
255 {
256 // Instead of inserting directly, we composite over the base canvas
257 canvas = canvas.Composite2(croppedTile, Enums.BlendMode.Over, canvasOffsetPixelX, canvasOffsetPixelY);
258 }
259 }
260 }
262 // Resize if the destination extent differs from the source canvas size
263 if ((int)dstPixelExtent.Width != canvasWidth || (int)dstPixelExtent.Height != canvasHeight)
264 {
265 double scaleX = (double)dstPixelExtent.Width / canvasWidth;
266 double scaleY = (double)dstPixelExtent.Height / canvasHeight;
267 canvas = canvas.Resize(scaleX, vscale: scaleY, kernel: Enums.Kernel.Nearest);
268 }
270 return canvas;
271 }
AForge.Bitmap Bitmap
Definition Bio.cs:21
@ Nearest

◆ JoinVipsRGB24()

static unsafe NetVips.Image Bio.ImageUtil.JoinVipsRGB24 ( IEnumerable< Tuple< Extent, byte[]> >  srcPixelTiles,
Extent  srcPixelExtent,
Extent  dstPixelExtent 

Join by srcPixelTiles and cut by srcPixelExtent then scale to dstPixelExtent (only height an width is useful).

srcPixelTilestile with tile extent collection
srcPixelExtentcanvas extent
dstPixelExtentjpeg output size
162 {
163 if (srcPixelTiles == null || !srcPixelTiles.Any())
164 return null;
166 srcPixelExtent = srcPixelExtent.ToIntegerExtent();
167 dstPixelExtent = dstPixelExtent.ToIntegerExtent();
168 int canvasWidth = (int)srcPixelExtent.Width;
169 int canvasHeight = (int)srcPixelExtent.Height;
171 // Create a base canvas. Adjust as necessary, for example, using a transparent image if needed.
172 NetVips.Image canvas = NetVips.Image.Black(canvasWidth, canvasHeight, bands: 3);
174 foreach (var tile in srcPixelTiles)
175 {
176 if (tile.Item2 == null)
177 continue;
179 fixed (byte* pTileData = tile.Item2)
180 {
181 var tileExtent = tile.Item1.ToIntegerExtent();
182 NetVips.Image tileImage = NetVips.Image.NewFromMemory((IntPtr)pTileData, (ulong)tile.Item2.Length, (int)tileExtent.Width, (int)tileExtent.Height, 3, Enums.BandFormat.Uchar);
184 // Calculate positions and sizes for cropping and inserting
185 var intersect = srcPixelExtent.Intersect(tileExtent);
186 if (intersect.Width == 0 || intersect.Height == 0)
187 continue;
189 int tileOffsetPixelX = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinX - tileExtent.MinX);
190 int tileOffsetPixelY = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinY - tileExtent.MinY);
191 int canvasOffsetPixelX = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinX - srcPixelExtent.MinX);
192 int canvasOffsetPixelY = (int)Math.Ceiling(intersect.MinY - srcPixelExtent.MinY);
194 using (var croppedTile = tileImage.Crop(tileOffsetPixelX, tileOffsetPixelY, (int)intersect.Width, (int)intersect.Height))
195 {
196 // Instead of inserting directly, we composite over the base canvas
197 canvas = canvas.Composite2(croppedTile, Enums.BlendMode.Over, canvasOffsetPixelX, canvasOffsetPixelY);
198 }
199 }
200 }
202 // Resize if the destination extent differs from the source canvas size
203 if ((int)dstPixelExtent.Width != canvasWidth || (int)dstPixelExtent.Height != canvasHeight)
204 {
205 double scaleX = (double)dstPixelExtent.Width / canvasWidth;
206 double scaleY = (double)dstPixelExtent.Height / canvasHeight;
207 canvas = canvas.Resize(scaleX, vscale: scaleY, kernel: Enums.Kernel.Nearest);
208 }
210 return canvas;
211 }

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